Monday, October 31, 2011
Here’s a taste of some of the final decorations that
are going to be adorning our house tonight.
I made five of this cute little guys for our table.
I have a potpourri filled wrought iron pumpkin that they will be residing on for the evening.
They even have little bow ties for the occasion!
I was so frustrated when I couldn’t find a tutorial on making big flowers for a centerpiece
that didn’t involve tissue paper.
Don’t get me wrong, I do love the stuff… it’s just I wanted something a little different.
That’s when I came up with this. It’s made out of a plastic tablecloth,
the kind you would find by the party goods.
It gave me the big flower look I wanted, and I absolutely love it!!
I’m going to be posting the tutorials of these tonight and tomorrow.
I also am planning 5 days of giveaways for this week, so PLEASE keep checking in as I want
you readers to win some fun stuff again!
Happy Crafting &
Happy Halloween!